How to be in the moment

How to be in the moment:

There are many ways to be in the moment. Here is just one for starters.

If it is safe to do so just STOP what you are doing. Become aware of your surroundings. You most likely are on auto-pilot performing some mundane task you have repeated for who knows how long. It very well may be an important task.

Being on autopilot allows our mind to wander and often times we fantasize or daydream about another life. That is absolutely ok! That’s where dreams and desires come from; however, they can tend to cause depression or self loathing if we haven’t started on the journey of transformation yet. That is the not so good part.

Yes, we need actualization and realization in order to understand a change in behaviour needs to take place. Just don’t stay there. Make that move. I say this repeatedly because it is true, YOU ARE NOT A TREE, YOU ARE NOT STUCK.

Even trees learn how to move around obstacles to continue to thrive and they have roots. You can too! So just stop, take a deep breath and look for 3 things surrounding you that are good. Do you have running water, a car that runs, running children? Do you have socks that keep you warm, a partner to warm up your hands when they are cold, a dog who lays on your feet keeping you warm? Are you at the library on a computer reading this, do you have a friend who recommended this page to you, do you have the ability to read it or is someone reading it to you? You see, the good things in life isn’t always about how big your house is, what wonderful country you will fly out to next, how many boats in the dock you have.

Luxury and extravagance are just that but contentedness, fulfillment and happiness comes from gratitude. Take those 3 things and acknowledge them. This is where you are now. You have goodness around you. Once you have recognized this then move forward in taking the next step in your transformation for living the life you dream about and build on that. #areyoualiveorjust living



Soul’s cleansing…